Elected Leadership & Staff

AFSCME 3800 is a member-run, member-powered union built on having a voice both on the job at the U of M, as well as within our union. Members make decisions and member participation has been the key to our successes. Members decide collectively what our focus should be in contract negotiations, what we spend our dues money on, what position our union is going to take on the important issues of the day, and what organizations in our communities we are going to work with and support. Our commitment to democratic and transparent decision making is what sets us apart from many other unions. Only members can vote on accepting or rejecting contracts, on electing our union’s leadership – like President, Executive Board and Negotiating Committee Representatives, or whether or not we should go on strike. To have a voice in our union and be part of the decision-making process you simply need to be a member of AFSCME 3800.

Each of the officers and executive board members of our local work at the University and are elected by the membership. Any member who has been in good standing for one year or more may run and hold an elected position in our union. Our active members direct the activities of our union through their involvement at membership, area meetings and committee work. This is one of the most critical parts of being a union member. 


Vice President/Chief Steward