As we start this special weekend, a time when we honor and remember Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., we reflect on his belief in dignity, equity, and justice for every worker that has inspired our ongoing work.
His passion in fighting for change for the underserved, unrepresented, and unheard reminds us that our work is far from over. Dr. King once said, “All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence.” This is a powerful reminder of our mission as a union – to uplift, to include, and to fight for those who are often left out and left behind and need our collective help.
Racial disparities must be eliminated... they prevent our state from stronger economic growth, stronger home ownership, healthier mothers and fathers, safer and thriving communities, improved educational outcomes and access to employment with middle-class wages, and they are rooted in indignity and pain, causing generational trauma.
Joining a welcoming union and having a family behind you every step of the way can help reduce and eliminate these disparities that are so destructive and hurtful.
Let’s honor Dr. King's legacy by recommitting ourselves to building a union and society that truly reflects our ideals. A union where everyone feels they belong and matter. Where our differences are not just acknowledged but celebrated. Where diversity is our core strength. Where diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging are central. And where we recognize racial disparities and work together to eliminate them.
As always, I invite you all to share your ideas and thoughts with me and one another on how we can continue this important work. Your voices are vital in shaping our path forward. Together, we will continue to ensure that our union is a beacon of hope, unity, strength, and justice.
Let’s honor Dr. King not just with our words, but with our actions. Let’s make every day a day of service to others, a day to fight for justice, and a day to build a union that truly represents the very best of us. We can live his legacy by learning from one another, reducing and eliminating racial disparities and the effects of racism, and helping provide hope and a sense of belonging.
Thank you for all that you do. Your commitment and passion are what make our union strong!
In solidarity,