When: Thursday, May 16, 2019, 2:00pm - 3:00pm

RSVP and invite your network on Facebook.

Minnesotans are caring and compassionate. We want all Minnesota families -- black, brown, white or indigenous, rural or metro, of differing abilities -- to have healthcare and supports that allow us to live safe, healthy and happy lives.

Millions of us voted in November for legislators who said they would stand #WithThePeople and work to protect and expand affordable healthcare, childcare and home care. But a handful of legislators are working to protect those who are profiting off our health care system. They're trying to divide and distract us by where we live, our religion, our skin color.

They say we don't have enough for everyone and they've crafted a Senate budget proposal that ends Minnesota's Health Care Provider Tax and makes up the loss with drastic cuts to the healthcare, childcare, and home care programs so many of us rely on. It even jeopardizes staff safety and lets non-profit insurers sell public healthcare assets for personal gain.

But Minnesotans are ready to write a new story, and we’re going to come to the Capitol on May 16th to tell it – of a Minnesota where we protect our healthcare resources and everyone gets the care and support they need.

At 2 p.m. on Thursday, May 16, join us on the steps of the Minnesota Capitol for a rally to tell legislators to stand #WithThePeople! Care, not Cuts!

This is critical decision-making time for our elected officials as the Governor and House and Senate leaders negotiate their budgets. They are making big choices about whether to stand #WithThePeople to protect and expand affordable healthcare, childcare and home care, or to sacrifice our care to boost corporate profits. Join us Thursday to make sure they know where we stand.

 RSVP and invite your network on Facebook.